ESA directly advocates on behalf of the U.S. energy storage industry to Congress and across federal agencies. Through educational briefings, meetings with officials and legislators, and policy advice, ESA seeks to make the U.S. energy storage industry a national priority.

In Congress, ESA works engages with the relevant committees of jurisdiction (e.g., tax, energy, infrastructure, R&D) and Member offices to support the introduction and advancement of legislation that unlocks greater investment and hiring in the U.S. storage industry. In the Administration, ESA engages with the White House and the Departments of Energy, Defense, Commerce, Treasury, and other agencies as appropriate to enhance public investments in energy storage innovation, deployment, and promotion.

ESA also works intensively with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, as part of our goal of accelerating opportunities in wholesale electric markets—see more in our Wholesale Markets and FERC activities.

Congressional Policies

ESA educates Members of Congress on energy storage technologies and the U.S. industry, building broad and bipartisan support for initiatives on storage to address a variety of public policy priorities.Learn More

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